5.1: There is a statewide policy (law, administrative rule or policy, executive order, etc) that outlines how data are to be ethically collected and used to improve results and address the needs of people who are experiencing unfavorable outcomes 1
5.2: There is a statewide policy (law, administrative rule or policy, executive order, etc) that requires open data or a “share first” philosophy and appropriate privacy controls that allow for data sharing across agencies, with external partners, and to the public 1
5.3: There is a standardized data sharing agreement between the state education agency, workforce agency, and at least one other agency (ie., an economic mobility agency, a central grant office, a budget office, an administrative agency) that allows data to be routinely shared OR There is an integrated data system with data from the state education agency, workforce agency, and at least one other agency (ie., an economic mobility agency, a central grant office, a budget office, an administrative agency)
The Chief Data Officer, along with individual agency data officers, is required to biannually update the state data plan, which covers open data and creates data standards for agencies. The plan also contains 11 principles and accompanying practices that all agencies should adopt to improve their management, use, sharing, and analysis of data. In addition, a 2019 law recommends: 1) establishing a coordinated governance structure for cross-agency data sharing, and 2) implementing cross-agency data-sharing agreements that are more flexible and durable. Building on this report, Connecticut released a Data-Sharing Playbook and developed an enterprise memorandum of understanding to help agencies share data safely, securely, and ethically.
As part of the State Data and Analytics Office, the State Chief Data and Analytics Officer establishes data governance policies that address technology, security, privacy and communication strategies, policies and procedures. Arizona operates under a statewide data-sharing memorandum of understanding. Implemented in 2019 and signed by 29 agencies, the MOU facilitates data sharing between agencies to support state-administered programs. These 29 agencies make up the State Data Interoperability Council, which meets quarterly to focus on “reducing risk, maximizing efficiency, increasing the value of data exchanges and ensuring that systems are developed and maintained in accordance with Statewide and Budget Unit strategic plans.”
California’s open data policy (2019) promotes data sharing via the California OpenData Portal. In 2022, a new Open Data Handbook aimed to standardize data publishing and foster collaboration. All entities under the Governor’s authority signed the Interagency Data Exchange Agreement (IDEA) in Spring 2021, streamlining legal and secure data exchange through Business Use Case Proposals (BUCPs). Legislation in summer 2021 created the California Cradle-to-Career Data System, with data sharing agreements, governance procedures, and community engagement. CalHHS is developing a Data Exchange Framework (AB 133) to enhance health information exchange, supported by guiding principles and a single data sharing agreement with 1,400+ organizations. The state also launched an integrated data system for homelessness. The Cross-Systems Analytics and Assessment for Learning and Skills Attainment (CAAL-Skills) integrates workforce data across agencies.
The Colorado Government Data Advisory Board was created in 2009 to advise the State Chief Information Officer on activities and policies necessary for developing an interdepartmental data protocol. The GDAB is composed of representatives from all the state’s agencies who directly oversee data functions at their respective agencies. The board established ethical use of data as a statewide data strategy principle serving as a guide for ongoing, consistent effort by state agencies.
A 2021 Colorado law codified the “share first” expectation (CO Code § 24-37.5-703 (2022)) for data sharing statewide, specifically that, except where prohibited by state or federal law, agencies are preemptively authorized to share data with other state agencies.
The Colorado Information Marketplace is the state’s open data repository. Beyond state open data, the Colorado Governor’s Office and the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab co-designed the Linked Information Network of Colorado (LINC), has a three-tier legal structure, to facilitate data sharing for research and analytics in 2019. The network is designed to share data across state agencies and provide de-identified data to perform robust, academically rigorous research to inform policy.
Delaware House Bill No. 154 created the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act which outlines how data are to be ethically collected and provides guidance on data privacy.
In January 2018, with support from the AISP Learning Community initiative, key members of the Delaware Governor’s Family Services Cabinet Council (FSCC) began collaborating to develop the Delaware Integrated Data System (DIDS) to jointly use information from multiple agencies that provide services to Delaware’s families. According to the launch announcement: “the system will help Delaware coordinate services and support young people and families in Wilmington who are at high risk of violence, and bolster the ongoing work of the Family Services Cabinet Council.” DIDS is hosted by the Delaware DOH and Social Services and the Department of Technology & Information (DTI).
DTI is also home to Delaware’s Open Data Portal which supports data sharing with the public and has over 400 datasets available.
Florida’s PK-20 Education Data Warehouse provides public access to data linked across elementary and secondary education, university, and workforce outcomes. This comprehensive longitudinal data system supports the state’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) plan’s commitments to evidence-based professional development and continuous improvement.
The Georgia Data Analytics Center (GDAC) was established by House Bill 197 (2019 session) to build a centralized data hub for Georgia. GDACs objective is to support policy development that will improve operational efficiencies in Georgia; and provide data transparency and accountability within the state. GDAC has established a data governance committee and formalized several state agency data partnerships and data sharing agreements.
On September 1, 2023, Governor Kemp signed an Executive Order directing GDAC to facilitate the data exchange process between the state executive agencies and departments. GDAC will assist the state agencies with establishing data-sharing agreements (DSAs) with a global template and with identifying the data sources upon request. The Center will build a comprehensive library of the data-sharing agreements (DSAs), which will prove to be a valuable resource for future data requests within the state.
The State of Hawaii’s Open Data portal provides residents, analysts, and civic developers with unparalleled access to State data for use in increasing transparency, driving civic innovation, and engaging participants in a more collaborative form of government. Visitors to the site will find over 150 datasets organized by six major topics, with more datasets continuing to be added to the site:
House Bill 1885, signed in June 2022, states that each executive branch department, including the department of education and University of Hawaiʻi, shall use reasonable efforts to make appropriate and existing data sets maintained by the department electronically available to the public through the State’s open data portal.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security, Illinois Student Assistance Commission, Illinois Board of Higher Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois State University have partnered to share workforce, financial aid, and university data for the Illinois “College2Career” resource. The integrated data platform highlights outcome metrics such as average earnings, earnings growth, and job stability for graduates of Illinois institutions of higher education. The program seeks to use these data to help Illinois students make informed education and workforce decisions.
A 2017 Indiana law established the position of Chief Data Officer with the budget, staff, and authority to: (1) coordinate data analytics and data transparency for state agencies; (2) advise state agencies regarding best practices for data maintenance, security, and privacy; and (3) oversee the Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH). MPH uses state data, such as the Education and Workforce Development database, to provide “analytics solutions tailored to address complex management and policy questions enabling improved outcomes.
The Education and Workforce Development (EWD) database is a large-scale data matching initiative within MPH. This longitudinal data set is combined to answer key questions about the education and workforce pipeline allowing stakeholders to use data and information previously not available. In 2017, the Indiana Open Data Act and Management Performance Hub modernized the state’s data sharing process. Agencies now collaborate through a consistent data sharing agreement, which more uniformly protects personal information across the enterprise of the State government.
Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision-Making (i2d2) is an integrated data system, overseen by a governing board and coordinated among health, social service, and education agencies, that comprehensively identifies and addresses the needs of Iowa’s young children and families. Since launching in 2016, i2d2 has been used to better understand early childhood service utilization and the early childhood workforce, including supporting a comprehensive statewide needs assessment as part of a Preschool Development Grant B-5.
A 2013 Kentucky law established the Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) which collects and links high-quality, actionable data from six state agencies to improve education and workforce programs in the state. KYSTATS has a data request hub, which includes a data access and use policy, data-sharing agreement, and a data dictionary to facilitate the exchange of data with requestors, and a Security Policy that contains procedures for securing the confidentiality of the data maintained by KYSTATS. By providing data sets, publishing reports, and fulfilling research requests, the center provides state-specific insights with appropriate data privacy and data access controls.
The Chief Data Officer (CDO) role was established by a 2021 Executive Order to set strategic direction for data management across the Executive Branch. The CDO publishes a State Data Strategic Plan every two years, outlining data policies and standards, including a statewide data policy for data collection and use. The CDO Council also developed a statewide Data Governance Framework to manage data use and sharing between agencies, establishing standardized procedures to ensure data quality, security, and ethical use.
The Maryland Open Data Act (2014) mandates open data policies, requiring state data to be machine-readable and accessible through open data portals while protecting personally identifiable information. There are currently over 1,000 data assets curated and available for public use in the Maryland Open Data Portal.
Maryland’s MD THINK program and the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center (MLDS Center) facilitate data sharing between state agencies. MD THINK is a multi-agency, cloud-based data and analytics program that provides a standardized data sharing model for state agencies to collaborate on, and use, authoritative data in support of health, human, and social services and benefit distribution. Likewise, the MLDS Center integrates student and workforce data from multiple agencies, providing analysis and insights to improve outcomes, while ensuring top-level security and data privacy. To support this work, standardized data sharing agreements have been established and maintained with all agencies in the program to ensure timely and secure access to administrative data, leading to improved outcomes for Marylanders. Both initiatives aim to enhance support and decision-making for Maryland residents.
Executive Order 2022-11 was established to outline how data are to be ethically collected and used to improve results and address the needs of people who are experiencing the most severe outcomes. Data sharing agreements are in place that allow for the sharing of data between Education, MDHHS, LARA and UIA. These agreements allow these agencies to routinely share data for specified purposes.
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act “controls how government data are collected, created, stored, used and released.” This policy defines all data as public, and therefore accessible to anyone for any or no reason, unless state or federal law classifies it otherwise. Additional Minnesota statutes outline practices for use of data “for the administration and management of programs” and describe the State’s informed consent process to ensure ethical data collection.
The Minnesota P-20 Education Partnership governs the Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System (ECLDS) that “form a P-20 education data system which captures, analyzes, and uses student data from preschool to…college, and the workforce.” This system is governed jointly by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and Minnesota Departments of Education and Employment and Economic Development and incorporates data from the state departments of Human Services and Health.
Mississippi LifeTracks is an interoperable data system, governed by an interagency board, that supports research and analysis by providing linkages among early childhood, K-12 education, postsecondary education, and workforce data to improve career-readiness outcomes for students.
The Nevada P-20 to Workforce Research Data System integrates data from the state’s PK-12, higher education, and workforce agencies. With a commitment to data privacy, the system leaves all private data behind agency firewalls and uses an algorithm to de-identify data during the matching process. A wide variety of reports provide agency leaders greater insights into Nevada’s education and workforce programs, initiatives, and outcomes.
The New Jersey Statewide Data System (NJSDS) is the State of New Jersey’s centralized longitudinal platform for administrative data, housed in the Heldrich Center for Labor and Workforce Development at Rutgers University. NJSDS connects people to data to improve policy outcomes by providing access to information in support of research and evaluation. The Department of Labor, Department of Education, Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, and Higher Education Student Assistance Authority support and routinely provide data (by data sharing agreement and funding MOU) to this longitudinal data system to support statewide research projects that guide investments and policy decisions for education and workforce development.
New Mexico’s Longitudinal Data System Project, also known as RISE-NM, will aggregate and link data from partner agencies into a single cloud data platform to evaluate education and workforce efforts in New Mexico. The project will analyze data, develop visualizations and reports, establish data governance policies and processes, respond to research requests, and provide the products of these efforts to state leaders, state education agencies (SEAs), workforce developers, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, the public, and others so they can:
In 2022, The NC Department of Information Technology adopted the Fair Information Practice Principles to guide transparent data collection and use, and privacy protection policies.
The North Carolina Longitudinal Data Service (NCLDS) works to connect data from early childhood, K12 education, postsecondary, and employment to help evaluate the longer-term impacts and longer-term successes of various state programs.
Once fully implemented (FY 24-25) NCLDS will provide data contributors, practitioners, and trusted research partners with secure access to this cross-sector, longitudinal, and linked record-level data to help NC answer its most pressing questions.
Agencies that contribute data to the NCLDS will adopt a standardized data use agreement. NCLDS also developed a coordinated data request and review process for secure and timely data sharing. More broadly, the Government Data Analytics Center (GDAC), within the Department of Information Technology, works to transform data into information that facilitates decision support, increases operational efficiencies, and improves outcomes for North Carolina residents by integrating and sharing data assets
The InnovateOhio Platform (IOP), launched in 2019 by Governor Mike DeWine’s Executive Order 2019-15D, features a set of core principles which emphasize data’s role as a shared strategic asset. The foundation was set forth in Ohio Revised Code 125.32 – Enterprise Data Management and Analytics Program. It facilitated standardized Data Use Agreements for efficient data sharing and established enterprise Data Governance policies. All IOP projects operate under legally binding agreements ensuring data ownership and decision-making by agencies. Currently, IOP Data Analytics holds over 332 datasets from 31 agencies for collaborative use, including the Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive (OLDA). OLDA has been an established partnership between state education, workforce, and vocational rehabilitation agencies. More than 175 projects have been completed. In 2023, IOP Data Analytics enhanced data governance dashboards to be mobile friendly, launched an enterprise data catalog for efficient discovery, and deployed a data quality tool for thorough analysis.
Oklahoma’s Open Data is a service designed to provide Oklahomans with deep access to data and statistics about the activities of Oklahoma’s government. It’s a simple way to explore data about the economy, public health, transportation, the environment, and more, all on one Website.
By posting state government data in raw, machine-readable formats, it can be reformatted, repurposed, and reused in different ways, allowing the community at large to build custom applications in order to analyze and display the information. The centralized, open-format nature of the database allows anyone to create mashups and visualizations, build applications, conduct analysis and perform research.
Oklahoma’s Open Data was first created as a part of H.B. 1086- the Transparency, Accountability and Innovation in Oklahoma State Government 2.0 Act of 2011. The bill was signed into law May 20, 2011, with the goal of providing Oklahomans with unprecedented access to government.
Oregon’s statewide data strategy, introduced in February 2021, outlines key principles for ethical data use, spanning collection, design, community engagement, and transparency. Aligned with a 2017 law, the state progresses on its biennial action plan stemming from this strategy. Additionally, the 2017 Open Data Program mandates agencies to list and share open datasets for transparency and internal collaboration. The Chief Data Officer facilitates data sharing among agencies via an enterprise memorandum. The State Longitudinal Data System, established in 2018, merges education and workforce data, while the Trauma-Informed Pilot Project addresses equity gaps. A 2021 law creates a “system of care advisory council” to integrate data for holistic support services. This council introduces a system of care dashboard to monitor youth engagement in Oregon’s care systems, enhancing overall data integration efforts statewide.
The Governor’s executive order on open data, data management, and data governance, first issued in 2017 and amended in 2019, states that data shall be shared internally and externally, whenever possible unless restricted by federal, state, or other statutes or regulations or by policies, standards, or best practices that prohibit the sharing of specific data, in order to foster innovation, cooperation, and transparency. In 2017, the state also created an enterprise data-sharing memorandum of understanding (eMOU), providing a more efficient process to obtain and provide data by, between, and among Commonwealth agencies. When it comes to sharing geospatial data in particular, the Pennsylvania State Geospatial Board has a publicly available data-sharing agreement to facilitate the sharing of data between government entities and non-state data owners, including academia, business, and nonprofits. The impact of data sharing is reflected in the board’s annual reports and special reports on state and local data sharing, importance of broadband access, COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, and land use and transportation planning.
Rhode Island has implemented several new data policies and practices in the state. Executive Order 24-06 on Artificial Intelligence and Data Centers of Excellence established unified state data governance structure, created the Data and AI Centers of Excellence with a Chief Data Officer, and fostered agency cooperation in data efforts. This includes a mandate for agencies to “share data to the greatest extent possible as practical and permissible under law”.
The integration of the Rhode Island Longitudinal Data System to state government and the continued development of the EOHHS Data Ecosystem also exist that already have existing data sharing agreements and serve as federated systems. Both systems integrate data with RIDE (education agency), DLT (workforce agency), and other state agencies (EOHHS, DCYF, OPC, etc). As per the RILDS website, “it centralizes three-plus decades of previously siloed Rhode Island state education, employment, and health data using a custom-built machine learning algorithm”.
The South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office maintains an integrated data system, a data warehouse that links data from individuals being served by more than 20 state agencies and other organizations. This system has facilitated program improvement efforts and numerous research studies, including a randomized controlled trial (RCT) as a part of the state’s Pay for Success initiative to improve outcomes for low-income mothers and their babies. South Carolina has continued to expand its evaluations, including an RCT on the impact of Managed Care Organizations. In 2020, the state shared its updated report on how it would utilize the integrated data system to support COVID-19 Response.
Tennessee leverages a longitudinal data system, TN DATA, to link education, workforce, human services, children’s services, and economic development data at the individual level to produce insights for programmatic investments. Templatized data sharing documents and policies have been in place since 2017 and have facilitated over 100 external and internal data use projects.
Tennessee’s templatized data sharing documents and long-established governance policies have also enabled a rapid expansion of data integration and sharing with additional state agencies. In 2023, the Tennessee Office of Evidence and Impact (OEI) established memoranda of understanding with the Tennessee Department of Health, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service, the Division of TennCare, and the Tennessee Department of Correction to integrate individual health and criminal justice data in the cloud-based TN DATA integrated data system.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) administers the Texas Student Data System, a statewide platform for collecting, managing, sharing, and reporting state education data. The system has a data standards and data governance process. Additionally, the Workforce Information System of Texas (TWIST) links data across workforce funding streams for intake, eligibility determination, and reporting on programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act plan. Both these data platforms are used to assess grantee performance, identify common issues that could benefit from collaborative approaches, and understand residents’ needs. Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Texas Higher Education Commission and Board (THECB), and Texas Education Agency (TEA) signed a single comprehensive MOU for data sharing between the three agencies in July of 2022.
Utah has comprehensive data governance laws (Government Records Access and Management Act, Government Data Privacy Act) to codify baseline governance requirements related to data access, sharing, governance and privacy. These laws include provisions related to collection, use and sharing of data with other governmental entities and researchers.
Utah’s open data portal was established in 2014. The open data portal includes over 8,000 datasets from federal, state, county, and city agency sources. Public data and dashboards may also be found across several state and agency websites.
In 2023 Utah Governor Cox also issued executive order 2023-01 which established a task force on state agency collaboration and data sharing, chaired by the executive director of the Department of Health and Human Services.
In addition, Utah’s Data Research Center has an integrated data system comprising longitudinal data between multiple agencies.
In 2020, a Virginia executive order established data governance bodies to improve data sharing between state agencies and localities. The executive order implements the recommendations from the 2019 publication Data Sharing and Analytics Governance Structure for the Commonwealth of Virginia Report. The Virginia open data portal also features resources on data use, a data dictionary, and an open data catalog.
The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Research and Data Analysis (RDA) division provides policymakers with data and analyses to improve the effectiveness of services for clients. RDA maintains integrated client databases, which bring together data from 10 state agencies, 40 separate data systems, and individuals receiving services through publicly funded health and human services programs in Washington. Among many other applications, predictive modeling and clinical decision support tools developed and maintained in RDA’s integrated data environment have been used by the state’s Health Home Program to generate tens of millions of dollars in performance payments from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as the result of improved care management for persons dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid.