8. Investing in What Works through Budgeting

8.1: There is a statewide definition of evidence of effectiveness for purposes of budget development (i.e., the state or budget office has a clear definition of evidence of effectiveness for budget documents)

8.2: There is a default field for evidence collection on statewide internal budget documents (i.e., agency budget templates include a field for information on evidence supporting the proposal)

8.3: There are statewide evidence-based targets (i.e., there are statewide targets on what percentage of the budget or new proposals should go towards evidence-based programs)

8.4: There are evidence indicators in statewide public budget documents (e.g., the legislature’s/Governor’s budget includes information on the evidence-basis of each line item/proposal)

8.5: The state summarizes items signed into law that support evidence-based interventions (e.g., the legislature/Governor includes information on the evidence-basis of all items signed into law)

8.5: The state has a policy (law, administrative rule or policies, executive order, budget templates, etc) that requires budget documents to, wherever practicable, include consideration for how proposals address the needs of people who are experiencing unfavorable outcomes.


Leading Example

A 2017 Minnesota law requires state agencies to include performance data in their biennial budget documents. Budget instructions for both the base budget and new funding requests direct agencies to include a Results section that identifies performance indicators and the evidence base (as defined by MMB) for their budget proposals. For Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025, the form for new funding requests added sections for Tribal Consultation and Public Engagement, complementing existing questions about Impact on Children and Families and Equity and Inclusion, improving how the state’s funding decisions consider community voice and impact. The Results Team then reviews budget proposals for evidence to inform negotiations between the Governor and legislature. Starting in 2023, MMB began publishing an Evidence Based Polices tab on the Current Enacted Biennial Budget dashboard to summarize new evidence-based funding: $2.68 billion for 168 new practices/programs, representing 27.9% of new proposals approved that year.

Promising Examples









New Mexico

New Mexico

North Carolina

North Carolina





Rhode Island

Rhode Island



